s4m13337 (s4m13337)

Mahalo! s4m13337 here!

All I do is programming eventhough I am extremely lazy at it. (Just kidding)

I started my journey into the rabbit hole of IT industry in 2019 when I started my own website. Since then I’ve learnt things from top-down. Today, I develop linux kernel drivers and modules. In the interim, I have mastered skills in Mathematica, Web-Dev(PHP & Angular), Networking and Machine learning. Apart from this, since I am from an Electrical Engineering background, I have a perpetual love for Digital Signal Processing (a.k.a the Swiss army knife for literally everything digital)

Enough technical, on the creative side I love music, both listening and playing instruments. I play the piano, guitar and violin. I enjoy calming and peaceful music during my commute times. I also love to read, classics and contemporary themed. My top reads include Animal farm, 1984, Manufacturing consent, Sapiens and so on. I admire art too, but really suck at it. Thats why I use my programming and mathematics skills to generate digital art.

Learning is a continuous process. To learn how to learn something is a task for a lifetime. Strive to stay curious

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