By gtlsgamr on

Shell Script Showcase May is here!

🎉 Announcing the “Shell Script Showcase May” Challenge! 🎉

Welcome to the first ever monthly contest for Gnu Linux India group.

What is it all about?

We are looking for the most innovative and unconventional shell scripts out there. Whether you’re a seasoned shell scripting guru or just dipping your toes into the terminal, this challenge is for you! Create scripts that dazzle, scripts that surprise, and scripts that push the boundaries of what’s possible in the command line.

What can you do?

The possibilities are endless! You could whip up scripts that generate ASCII art from images, craft personalized chatbots that chat up a storm, or even conjure up mini-games that provide hours of terminal-based fun. Let your imagination run wild and show us what you’ve got!


  • Your script must be original and created by you.
  • Your script must be shared with the community before 25th May.
  • Your script must be written in any POSIX-compliant shell language. (..and bash, because why not?)
  • Your script must be shared in a public repository on GitHub or Codeberg.

How does it work?

  1. Create your unique shell script during the month of May.
  2. Share your masterpiece with the community before 25th May. (You can share on any of the communication channels, you can also give a github link.)
  3. We will host a video call where everyone can show off their scripts.
  4. The community will vote for their favorites via polls.
  5. The script with the most votes wins!

What’s at stake?

As if the glory of winning weren’t enough, the ultimate champion will receive a shiny 300 rupee Amazon gift card as a token of our appreciation for their shell scripting prowess.

So, dust off your keyboard, fire up your terminal, and get ready to amaze us with your shell scripting skills! Let’s make this “Shell Script Showcase May” one for the history books!

Okay, but how do I join?

You can find us at telegram, matrix, and xmpp, just come by and say hi.

Happy scripting! 🚀🐚


Below are the submissions for the Shell Script Showcase May 2024:

My friend tux by @gtlsgamr

My Friend Tux
Author: @gtlsgamr

This script is a digital companion for you. It can help you with absolutely nothing, other than just being cute. It’s a simple script that displays a penguin which will grow as time goes by. You have to feed him by running the script every day. If you don’t feed him, he will die. So, don’t let him die. He also shows you the current date and time. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. On the bright side, he is a good listener. You can talk to him whenever you feel lonely. He will listen to you without any judgement. So, go ahead and run the script. Have fun!

NetTacToe by @tusharhero

Author: @tusharhero

A multiplayer Tic Tac Toe game, written in GNU Bash. The multiplayer element is implemented with help of GNU Netcat. There should be an article with more details here.

Shelltest by @samisthefbi

Author: @samisthefbi

Shelltest is a wordle-like game which challenges players to guess GNU/Linux commands within a set number of attempts. In this terminal-based game, players guess the correct GNU/Linux command in a limited number of attempts. Each guess prompts feedback on the accuracy of the command. It challenges players’ command-line knowledge, offering a compact and engaging way to test their proficiency in terminal commands.

mitm by @virinci

Author: @virinci

A general purpose intermediary/relay server for communication between two peers. The two peers are identified and connected using a shared secret phrase. The purpose of this script is to allow communication between peers that are not on the same LAN. This script can be hosted on some server that has enabled port forwarding for some port and multiple clients can use this server instead of all of them having to support port forwarding on their own.

Winner Announcement

We are thrilled to announce that the winner of the “Shell Script Showcase May” challenge is NetTacToe by @tusharhero! Congratulations on creating the classic time passer using GNU Bash and Netcat. Your creativity and skill have truly impressed the community. Enjoy your 300 rupee Amazon gift card, and keep up the amazing work! 🎉